Sunday 20 July 2014

Creamy Asparagus Soup

Dairy free, Gluten free, Paleo & Vegan
Low calorie, low fat & low carb


1 carton + 1 cup of vegetable stock
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 small white onion
2 bunches of asparagus
1 large rib of celery
2 large cremini mushrooms
3 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves

1 tbsp cooking sherry
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsp dill
2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
* use organic when possible*
Yields about 6 cups
Approximately 300 calories for the whole entire pot!!! :)


In a large pot add stock with all the spices. While waiting for the stock to boil, cut tough ends off the 
asparagus, approximately 2-3 inches from the bottom. Or hold a peice of asparagus in both hands and snap ends off. Where it breaks off is where the toughs ends & tender pieces meet. Discard the bottom ends. Reserve about 4 asparagus stocks for garnish. Cut those in half and steam for 1 minute in microwave and set aside. Slice/chop the other veggies and add all to the pot. Cook till veggies are tender. Remove the mushroom slices and set aside for garnish. Purée the rest of the soup and serve with the asparagus & mushroom slices on top for garnish. 
***If you find it to thick, just a little bit more veggie stock or water. Just re taste to adjust spices if necessary.

Pureeing the soup is how to get a creamy texture without the added calories and fat from cream or milk. A great method for those avoiding dairy but want a creamy texture. You could use a milk substitute, but me personally I like this version the best. You also could add some avocado or cashew cheese but you will need to play around with the flavours as they will get a little lost when you start 
adding more ingredients.

Health Benifits of Asparagus 

 Aids in digestion, helps with weight loss, is an anti-oxidant & inti-

Asparagus is full of many vitamins & minerals but it is particularity high in folic acid which is especially important for those who are pregnant or becoming pregnant. Another great thing about this delicious veggie is it's a diuretic which can help with water retention. Taking a little pressure off those swollen ankles we also experience during pregnancy. Enjoy them raw or cooked. 

Here's a website explaining in detail more about asparagus's benefits. Enjoy and may you be Nutritionally Well.

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